Thursday, August 23, 2007

Coffee Prices SUCK

OK so I just have to say that I LOVE LOVE LOVE my morning Latte on the way to work. Every day on my way to drop off my son at grandma's we drive by the Starbucks. I tell him to count the cars at the Starbucks (meaning in the drive thru). If there are more than about 5, we skip it since there are 5 others on my way to work that I can go to.

Today, I proceeded to the order speaker and ordered my usual- Grande, 6 pump, sugar free vanilla, nonfat latte. The gal comes back on the speaker with my total, $3.68. OMG I knew they raised prices but come on now! It's about 70 cents more per cup than a gallon of gas. I'm pretty sure it's more than a GALLON of milk also. Hummm what else is cheaper than a grande latte? I don't know but it really frustrates me with my stupid coffee habit.

To bad the better place- Dutch Brothers Coffee- is 15 min the wrong direction from my work. Oh well. Guess I'll just hit them up tomorrow on my day off. BTW- Dutch Brothers Coffee, for the same thing is only $3.00. I'll spend the difference in the price on gas just to get there.